All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Words and Music by Jim Robbins
The Source moves within us and all around us,
through infinite fields of energy.
Though but tiny specks, we are always one
with the awesome powers of the Source,
our minds one with the infinite Mind.
We can purify our hearts and minds,
the soiled veils dropping away,
one by one, until we know the harmony,
magnificence and abundance
of the human spirit. But we are blinded
by appearances and conditioned to believe
that we should just be wage slaves
while the rich get richer, using
our last resources, tearing down
and burning up the planet.
commodifying nature and people everywhere
as our ecological and social systems
break down. We could start a revolution
with all of us fighting for power
till everything collapses, or we could recognize
our oneness and align with the powers of the Source.
The soiled veils would drop away, one by one,
until we know the harmony, magnificence,
and abundance of the human spirit and recall
that we are one with the powers of the Source.
We have forgotten that right here and now
we are one with the powers of the Source.
If the veils fell away, we would know
that each of us is divine. If we connect with the powers
of the Source and know that we are one, we could make
the heart connections with people and the planet
that could lead to our survival....
Part Seven
According to my pendulum, throughout most of my life, practitioners of black magic, witches and sorcerers and shamans, have attacked me over and over again in a secret government experiment to determine how to control the masses. Before the plague, when I confessed to the Illumination Meditation group that dark forces are attacking me, Bran acknowledged that the government is currently using practitioners of black magic to send out demons and malicious spirits to terrify and harm and even kill people. Bran admitted that he has also experienced such spiritual attacks himself. He warned us that demons can weaken our bodies and auras and plant seeds of disease that can eventually kill us. That is why, he stated, we need to learn how to release negative energies and strengthen our energy fields every day as we meditate.
According to Bran, the government, after WWII, established a secret project to investigate the paranormal, employing practitioners of black magic to work with dark entities for purposes beneficial to the power elites and the government—like controlling the masses. One experiment, begun by the Nazis, consists of sending out dark forces, including demons and harmful spirits, to attack different types of people—especially sensitive people of a high spiritual frequency and above-average intelligence who question (or might question) those in power. During corrupt administrations especially, the government has mercilessly employed this practice to benefit the elites, undermining effective opposition and keeping the masses at an extremely low vibration, confused, miserable, unable to experience their own spiritual power, and therefore less likely to protest greed, injustice, exploitation, endless war, the destruction of the planet or anything else that enables the billionaires to continue raking in mountains of money, a relatively small percentage of which they use to maintain an iron grip on the government through campaign contributions. According to Bran, you can now count on your fingers the number of people who currently own as much wealth as half of the world’s population….
It’s always good to know what you’re up against. Once, recently, when I experienced a lull in the demonic attacks, my spirit guides directed me to heal and cleanse and neutralize the billionaire owners of a major box store. The next day, the practitioners of black magic who guard the billionaires turned their attention on me. While I was performing my ritual to neutralize them, I kept envisioning that one of the demons had been present in a Nazi concentration camp during WWII, which I found puzzling at first. After several attacks by similar demons, I realized that there is a class of demons that targets the collective mind of a group to keep everyone terrified and miserable and powerless, and I concluded that employing these demons to keep a potentially rebellious work force in line was the perfect way to control minimum-wage employees who have to rely on customers to provide donations to them during the holiday season. Clearly, some elites find these demons extremely helpful.
In many other ways as well, the billionaires, in conjunction with the government, are “managing” the population, according to Bran. One way is by making sure that the precariat is always drowning in debt and struggling to make ends meet. Another is through toxic chemicals in the food and air and water and harmful addictive chemicals in legal and illegal drugs. Toxins and drugs adversely affect the emotional, mental, and spiritual health of the psyche, making it very difficult to function at an optimal—or even normal level. The general population, in other words, is sickened, drugged, and kept in a constant struggle for survival. According to Bran, some people of a high spiritual vibration tend to be greatly afflicted by toxins and more easily addicted to drugs and alcohol because they naturally desire to extend the spiritual inebriation that they sometimes experience. Bran surmised that I am being attacked so often because the deep state, thanks to Trump's influence, is even more odious than usual.
(The only time Bran ever got angry at me was that night after I asked him if he was afraid the government was trying to kill him. "Yeah, well, let them try!” he exclaimed. “So far they haven’t succeeded. Anyway, they can’t harm me. I am immortal!”)
On the bright side, due to the incessant demonic attacks, the Archangels have cleared up evil in the world. The people in charge of the deep-state shadow project keep trying to find the right rituals, the right dark forces and malicious spirits to undermine me, but in the process of performing my rituals, the Archangels of the four Elements of the Wise, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Auriel, have cleansed and healed and neutralized a veritable army of dark forces and practitioners of black magic.
Some of you might recall that in Christianity, a difficult personal sacrifice for the highest good is known as “bearing the cross.” Some people choose to sacrifice their personal will to serve the Divine Will, which in the process brings them closer to God. A sacrifice during which a person dies for others or for the highest good is an example of this spiritual mystery, which powerfully reveals that we are all one, including the poor and afflicted and everyone who might appear somehow different or inferior. An individual who recognizes that we are all part of One Mind and who intentionally sacrifices his or her personal will to serve the Divine Will also experiences a kind of death that has a subtle impact on collective consciousness. A sacrifice involving the death of the personality sometimes can be so powerful on the subtle level that it awakens other people to the underlying unity of all consciousness. My purpose is simply to serve the Divine Will to neutralize evil in order to reestablish balance in the world. If we don't work on the spiritual level to neutralize evil, the same political and economic horrors will keep rearing their heads, threatening us more and more ferociously. Even though I sometimes complain about the relentlessness of the attacks, I have chosen to carry this cross.
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