All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Words and Music by Jim Robbins
Healers come to me with the powers of Air and Fire
and Water and Earth. I’ve called them with my heart,
and they bring a sword, a wand, a cup, and a star that stand
in absolute balance in the light of the Source.
I invoke these shining ones, the most awesome powers
of harmony in the universe, to heal me. I call the powers
of harmony in the sun, the rivers, the fires, the flowers
to cleanse and heal my heart and mind so that I know
the love, abundance, and harmony
in the fields upon fields of One Spirit. I feel
the strength in your heart, and I link my heart to yours
and thread our souls through a tapestry of love.
We open our hearts to the mighty healing powers
and stand in the harmonizing light of the Source.
Healers come to us with the powers of Air and Fire
and Water and Earth. We’ve called them with our hearts.
They bring a sword, a wand, a cup, a star that stand
in absolute balance in the light of the Source.
We invoke these shining ones, the most awesome powers
of harmony in the universe, to heal us. We call the powers
of harmony in the sun, the rivers, the fires, the flowers
to cleanse and heal our hearts and minds so that we know
the love, abundance, and harmony
in the fields upon fields of One Spirit.
Part Six
When the government ordered us to "shelter in place," in other words to isolate ourselves in our own homes, I was already doing that anyway due to a relentless case of scabies.
Families living paycheck to paycheck are being hit the hardest since politicians have done everything in their power to shred the social safety net, and the for-profit healthcare system, which already bankrupts more people than anything else in this country, does not have enough support to deal with the crisis adequately. All the while, of course, taxpayers have been spending trillions on unjustified military misadventures in our crumbling empire. My pendulum has confirmed that super-rich elites want the pandemic to induce widespread panic so that our political system will shift decisively from democracy to authoritarian rule as soon as possible.
So far during the Covid-19 plague, I have remained in high spirits even though demonic forces have ruthlessly assaulted me. As I have mentioned before, I know how to neutralize the dark forces, but they continue to target me twice daily, and it's now starting to get on my nerves. One day recently, I was taking a bath to exterminate the microscopic arachnids on the surface of my skin when I felt myself rapidly spiraling into an uncharacteristic despair. While I slumped in the tub wondering if I was again experiencing a demonic attack, suddenly my emotions did a 180: I became inexplicably happy. I knew without a doubt that my friend had sensed my plunge into darkness from a distance and had bolstered me with high frequency spiritual energies. Anyone who has not experienced a similar spiritual connection will no doubt immediately dismiss this assertion as insane, but I assure you that vibrations carried on subtle spiritual currents either bless us or curse us more often than most people might assume.
So far, I have not heard much from Amber since the plague began. Our relationship remains on the spiritual level, like the undying chivalrous love of a knight for his lady. Many have experienced “radar love,” an unexpected connection with another person during which you receive subtle communications that you feel in your heart or groin. Our radar connection is much more predictable. Through our spiritual practices, we both send blessings to each other around the same time of day. We are both empaths, sensitive to subtle spiritual and emotional currents, and we both intensely feel the positive energy that we send to each other.
I now clearly see that practitioners of black magic, be they witches or shamans or sorcerers, are criminals, plain and simple, because they cause grave harm to others from a distance, but no laws exist to provide consequences. They almost always get away with their insidious, antisocial behavior. According to Bran, like attracts like, and those who practice the dark arts tend to seek each other out and establish networks. They also tend to believe that the masses in this society are intellectually and spiritually inferior to them, so occasionally they make the mistake of thinking that everyone outside their sphere is completely unaware of what they are doing. Since they are so deeply ensconced in dark energies, most of them are not even capable of believing that other people sincerely work for the highest possible good of others.
Demons nowadays don't shake me violently or hold me down and choke me because that would make their attacks too easy for me to identify. They instead attack me on a more subtle level by amplifying negative emotions so that I have difficulty focusing on anything else, for instance. I eventually realized that the spiritual frequency of the Archangels is elevating the collective consciousness of humanity. After I got into the practice of performing my ritual with the Archangels every day at around ten in the morning, demons started attacking me a few minutes before ten.
Amber is truly a Reiki master, effective at channeling chi, a powerful healing energy. At first, while she was working on my crown chakra, I suddenly envisioned a dove on fire, which I could only interpret as the Holy Ghost, as the chi moved downward through my aura. By the end of the session, Amber was engulfing my entire energy field with harmony, kindness, and unconditional love, what I can only characterize as the Christ-force; for ten minutes, at least, we were both tuned to that frequency. I had never connected with another living person in such a way before.
The next day, before I got out of bed, I felt the energy again, and I experienced the same vision of the Holy Ghost. I suspected that Amber was performing Reiki on me remotely, and a text confirmed it. That day, I asked my pendulum if I had ever known Amber in another life. Yes. I threw out some numbers and discovered that we have been close to each other in one way or another in twenty-five previous lives.
According to my pendulum, Amber and I made a spiritual contract to serve the Divine Will before we came into this life. My pendulum confirms that together we will help to elevate the frequency of humanity during this great collective shift in human consciousness. The last time we were together, our auras seemed to be on fire with sparkling stars. That day, a simple hug from her engulfed me in the most harmonious energy in the cosmos.
If I am not mistaken, I have contracted Covid three times. I am not 100 percent sure about that, however. I have only been tested for Covid once; tests in Fresno, CA, have been impossible to find. I have, however, experienced almost the exact same symptoms three times, once when the pandemic began, once when the Delta variant surfaced, and recently after the Omicron variant spread like wildfire through the population. In each case, I woke up in the middle of the night, got out of bed to use the bathroom, and started shivering like I was freezing to death at the North Pole. I also had a mild fever and coughed raucously now and then and experienced fatigue and brain fog for a few days. Otherwise, in each case the symptoms have remained relatively mild.
Miner's Lettuce near Big Creek, January 16
I have the feeling that I am not destined to hang out with other people any time soon, which is unexpectedly okay with me. I connect profoundly every day from a distance on a spiritual level with other "sensitive" people. My pendulum always spins clockwise whenever I ask it if learning how to send divine harmony and love from a distance is a critical step in human evolution. I feel honored to be part of this cadre of individuals who are elevating the spiritual frequency of humanity—which I didn’t even know was possible until I met Amber.
I just had to get out of the house today, though, so I traveled by myself to the Kings River to experience the fresh green winter grass after the rains. I experienced more than that, however. I found today, January 16, that blue dick, fiddleneck, poppies, and miner’s lettuce are blooming in various places along the road. In the past fifty years, the earliest I have found flowers blooming near the Kings is early-to-late February. Twice, I think, I have discovered popcorn flowers blooming at the end of January, but I don’t recall ever encountering these other four species blooming in mid-January. Since I have explored the Kings River watershed for fifty years, this freaks me out. I have an uneasy feeling that this splendor in the grass in mid-January portends the incineration of large ecosystems in the mountains—even more so than in the past couple of years. I hope not, but I have come to realize that nowadays a lot of crazy things are possible.
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