All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Part Eight
"Look," Bran exclaimed one night. "In just about every society, a small percentage of the population controls the vast majority of the wealth. The more wealth and power they have, the more afraid they are that other people will take it away from them, so they sometimes resort to extreme measures to hold on to what they have even if their greed ends up completely destroying the quality of life for everyone else. It might not surprise you that they network with others in business and government and create secret societies or 'shadow' organizations so that together they can hold on to their wealth and power. It should not surprise you that some of them even resort to the use of the dark arts to maintain and increase their wealth and power.
"Psychiatrists are coming forward now with evidence that demons and harmful spirits are responsible for a significant percentage of mental health problems." Seeing a few raised eyebrows, Bran, in an agitated voice, asked, "Is it really so far-fetched that super-rich capitalists would employ practitioners of black magic and dark forces to control society? The elites for their own profit are now leading humanity to the edge of a cliff in a number of ways, climate change and nuclear proliferation being the most obvious.
"If that isn't demonic, I don't know what is. The government has continued unjustified, disastrous conflicts in the Middle East that only benefit the oil industry and war profiteers, with our sons and daughters as their cannon fodder. The super-rich are, right before our very eyes, destroying the last semblance of democracy in our nation. The Republican Party, controlled entirely by the super-rich, has turned into the most dangerous organization in the history of the world, according to world-renowned intellectuals like Noam Chomsky.
"The billionaires are revealing once again for all to see that they have absolute control. Through media influence they have helped to install in the oval office a pathological liar, a perverted, misogynistic, narcissistic wanna-be dictator who appeals to racists, members of the NRA, neo Nazis and evangelicals, a puppet who does the bidding of super-rich despots, an unhinged, moronic bully who claims to be 'a very stable genius unmatched' in his wisdom. The elites through control of the media have brainwashed nearly half the country into supporting a sociopath as their president; the other half of the country is in denial or too frightened to protest against the evil in our economic and political systems.
"When a capitalistic society starts collapsing, the rulers can lean either toward socialism or fascism, and fascism benefits elites the most. Anyone who pays attention for ten seconds can tell which way they're leaning, but half the country just refuses to see it!" Amber and I nodded as he continued in the same vein for awhile.
I have bad news to tell you now. I was greatly saddened when I found out that Bran had died from an aneurysm. He was only fifty, ten years younger than I am. Amber told me the news over the phone, and we both got out our pendulums, which revealed that malicious spirits had targeted him. Amber decided to do an Akashic reading and discovered that Bran had suffered vicious demonic attacks. In a frequency that is very close to the physical plane, demons had caused an aneurysm that burst. After the reading, Amber called me back. Crying, she blurted out that demons attacked Bran because he was a respected spiritual leader who always told the truth, and he had talked too much about secret government projects and false flag operations. We should have all turned off our cellphones....We're always under surveillance, she tearfully noted.
He had dealt courageously with the demons, but, unfortunately, he was not working with powers of harmony who provide maximum spiritual protection. His advice to the group was to keep one's energy field open to everything, even the negative, take in as much information as possible, and then let it go, which to me sounded like a recipe for disaster. I have experienced subtle attacks on my brain and heart and digestive system, but the Archangels purify my aura every day during my rituals, clearing away negativity from all levels of my energy field. I have always had to rely on divine intervention; without it, I would have been totally wrecked a long time ago.
The practitioner of the dark arts often targets victims who are vulnerable due to a crisis of some kind and directs dark forces to cause terror and misery and illness and chaos in their world. The dark forces get to feed off the negative energies of the victims, and the sorceress gets to maintain the power to cause grave harm. Both the dark forces and the sorceress benefit from this horrific practice, in other words.
Many people believe that they can plant seeds of harmony with their mind into Universal Consciousness, and these seeds will grow and manifest greater balance and abundance for themselves and others. Even though they believe that the individual human mind working with Universal Consciousness has great power to manifest harmony and abundance in the world, they often deny or dismiss or totally ignore the ability of the human mind to cause horrific evil.
Sorcerers, I have discovered, do not like it when a potential victim is aware of their activities and is able to thwart their efforts. They network with each other to crush anyone who effectively opposes them. For instance, one of the members of a coven might also be the local leader of a shamanic tradition that originated on another continent, and she might network with other brujas and brujos in that tradition. If her local coven fails to harm her target, the sorceress might contact a member in her shamanic tradition. When one bruja fails to harm the potential victim, another might try the next day. In this way, the world-wide communications network has amplified the potential for horrific evil. There is really no distance between one human mind and another because we are all part of One Consciousness, so there is no escape unless one has the knowledge and ability to work with higher powers to deal effectively with demonic attacks....
The psychic attacks on me have escalated recently because I have become effective at working with the Archangels of the Elements to neutralize dark, unbalanced forces. My reputation, in other words, only began spreading far and wide because the Archangels are protecting me, and practitioners of evil feel threatened personally by the disempowerment of their cohorts.
According to my pendulum, members of the deep state eventually became aware that the Archangels effectively neutralize dark energies, so coordinators of the shadow agency began enlisting the help of practitioners of the dark arts from all parts of the world to mess with me. In every case, the Archangels have neutralized and healed and cleansed them and filled them with divine love and harmony, with the result that those practitioners of black magic are neutralized, at least for a while. Every time I perform my ritual, moreover, the Archangels bless me as much or more as they bless the ones who are attacking me. At this point, thanks to the Archangels, I have dealt with far more demons than I can remember and have survived intact, happier and healthier than I have ever felt before. When I am not being attacked, I am free of negativity and often feel a peace beyond understanding and compassion for all life, especially when surrounded by flowers….
In nature, I have experienced many apocalypses. I use the term to mean the revelation of great knowledge, what Bart Ehrman calls, “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities” (1). For instance, when I stand before a tiger lily at Tamarack Creek, I feel a powerful link with the Source that awakens my higher self. I feel my worldly concerns burning away, and I experience the divinity of all life, the holiness of all energy. I am transformed utterly in a moment, blessed by the splendor and fragrance of a flower.
Tamarack Creek experienced Armageddon last year. I’d seen it coming for a long time. Due to extended drought in the mountains, numerous trees did not have enough water to produce the sap needed to drown the invading bark beetle. Last time I was there, thanks to bark beetle infestations, most of the trees were dead, reduced to tinder, which resulted last year in the conflagration known as the Creek Fire.
I am afraid to return to Tamarack Creek, which I normally do in early July. So many trees were dead the last time I was there—I am now afraid that the inferno incinerated the healthy trees in addition to clearing away the dead trees for new growth. I am afraid that there is no longer enough shade to cool the high mountain meadows where tiger lilies and shooting stars and columbine flourish. I am afraid that I will not experience again the apocalypses that these flowers have always awakened in me.
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