Sunday, October 16, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

The Queen of Wands

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Words and Music by Jim Robbins

We sometimes muddle through in times of crisis,
unnerved and despondent and insecure, but sometimes
in our bleakest hours, love pulls us through,
a strength from somewhere in our souls,
from the Source of creation, Sometimes,
though far away we send love to keep each other whole.
Our heart connection is so strong that I know
when demons frighten you, and you know when I am down.
Is it possible that only we know that we can bless
each other from far? 

For we are one with the Source,
and we are magnificent....

Sometimes in our hearts, we know the Source
of love and harmony and abundance,
the awesome powers of creation within us,
and we can share them with each other....

We sometimes muddle through in times of crisis,
unnerved and despondent and insecure, but sometimes
in our bleakest hours, love pulls us through,
a strength from somewhere in our souls,
from the Source of creation. Sometimes
only then we know the love that is within us,
and we are grateful that we can send each other love--
to give each other strength to get us through the hard times.

For we are one with the Source,
and we are all magnificent....

Six of Wands:
Jupiter in Leo, Sun in Tiphareth


Part Ten


     During the pandemic I have found myself returning again and again to key moments of my past. For instance, after I started meditating twenty years ago, I began having visions of symbols associated with the Tree of Life even though I had never heard of the Qabalah or encountered its primary glyph before then. It has taken me years to unpack the meaning of some of the symbols as I have progressed on my spiritual path. 

   For instance, as I was mentally purifying my chakras twenty years ago, I repeatedly experienced a vision of a golden equal-armed cross with indistinct angels at each end. The only difference between the angels was the color of their robes—one robe was yellow, one red, one blue, and one white. After I finished the mental purification process, I had a vision of a brilliant white, four-petaled flower that suddenly burgeoned into a thousand-petaled lotus, a symbol that corresponds symbolically to the Source, the Crown of Creation on the Tree of Life. I have only recently understood that the two visions are symbolically related to each other. Like the golden equal-armed cross, the four petals of the white flower represent the four spiritual elements—Air, Fire, Water, Earth—in balance. I recently realized that the four petals in my vision suddenly blossomed into the thousand petaled lotus to suggest that working with the four basic spiritual elements can lead to an incredible expansion of spiritual awareness—to an awareness of the divinity within all of us, for instance.

   Back then, the visions inspired intense curiosity in me, since at the time I was an agnostic who vacillated towards atheism, and I discovered through my research that the symbols I envisioned are associated with the Qabalah (or Kabbalah) and its symbol system, the Tree of Life (which is an expanded version of the chakra system). 

   I also discovered rituals based on the equal-armed cross featuring Archangels of the Elements, Raphael, representing the spiritual element of Air (in a yellow robe); Michael, representing Fire (in red); Gabriel, representing Water (in blue); and Auriel, representing Earth (in white). Soon after the vision of the thousand-petaled lotus, I awkwardly performed the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram and unexpectedly invoked the Archangel Raphael. I found myself in a thought bubble of such amazing complexity and felt such a profound sense of eternity that I began to suspect that humans are so limited by the five senses and so blinded by social conditioning that we are not likely to have authentic spiritual experiences unless we work to establish and maintain the conditions in our sphere of influence that make those experiences possible. 

   Soon after I invoked Raphael, as I was falling asleep, I was shaken so hard by a powerful dark force that I thought it was going to obliterate me. In retrospect, it seems to me that its main goal was to reveal to me that it could easily kill me. The two events, which I only understood in context years later, suggest to me that as humans we are learning to survive in a spectrum of energy. In other words, if we experience extremely high, balanced spiritual energies, we are also likely to experience extremely dark, unbalanced energies. In the process, we learn to master the energies so that we can manifest the most balanced aspects for the highest good. 

     I’m sure many people, after reading how dark forces have repeatedly assaulted me and seeing how evil propagates all around us, cannot possibly believe my assertion that every human being is divine.  No doubt, my detractors are tempted to dismiss my work as a combination of candy-flavored naivete and schizophrenia. The Tree of Life, however, reveals how we are all divine beings even though we might also experience, as individuals or even large groups, a horrific lack of balance, what many describe as evil.

     Birthed from "Negative Existence"—from spiritual dimensions that human beings cannot currently comprehend—the Source of Creation, known as Kether, the Crown, emanated nine other dimensions that culminate and find their expression in The Kingdom, the material world where our souls currently reside.

     The Tree of Life reveals cosmic evolution in the Path of Lightning, which extends from Emanations One through Ten. Each Holy Emanation (“Sephira” in Hebrew) evolved a type of archetypal energy that we each carry within us, for as the bible says, we are each made in God's image. We can employ these energies for good or evil—in a balanced or unbalanced way, in other words. If we use a particular energy in an unbalanced way and end up harming others, for instance, we sin (in other words, “miss the mark”). The spiritual life, I realized, is rooted in the ideals of virtue revealed by the Emanations on the Tree of Life. The Shining Ones avoid those who indulge regularly in the vices, or unbalanced uses of the archetypal energies within us. On the spiritual path, truth, beauty, compassion, love matter.

     For example, the fourth Emanation on the Tree of Life, known as Mercy (“Chesed,” in Hebrew), represents harmonious upbuilding and organizing forces, as well as the magnificence, harmony, love and abundance of the human spirit. Its virtue for human beings is obedience to the Divine Will, but its energy can also result in extremely negative qualities. Its vices, for example, include tyranny, bigotry, hypocrisy, and gluttony, behavior that exalts the self above others and the community of all life. The extreme unbalanced energy is personified as the “breakers into pieces,” in other words, the opposite of the balanced energies of reverence and love and harmonious, beneficial organization.

Breakers into Pieces

     The virtues and vices of the other Emanations are also easy to comprehend. 

The Burners

     The virtues of the fifth Emanation, Power (or Fear), which is associated with Mars, are strength, courage, and power at all levels of the psyche, and includes the ability to burn away or release anything that does not serve the highest good. Its vices are cruelty and destructiveness. 

The Liars

   The virtue of the eighth Emanation, Splendor (“Hod” in Hebrew), is truthfulness, and its vices are deception and dishonesty. Many professors at universities, I have discovered, where truth should be the highest ideal, often choose to manifest the unbalanced expression of the archetypal energy within their sphere of life.

     During the pandemic, I started sculpting 3D models of Tarot cards. The Six of Wands, Lord of Victory, represents Jupiter in Leo and The Sun in Beauty (“Tiphareth” in Hebrew), the sixth Emanation on the Tree of Life. The main figure in the setting has mastered the ideal qualities of Jupiter and Leo and The Sun, which includes the Christ-force, for the sixth Emanation is a sphere of harmonizing love and spiritual inebriation. Mastery of the energy is the figure’s true victory. In order to achieve this victory, the figure has overcome pride, its unbalanced energy, too often found in religious traditions.  He recognizes the divinity and interconnectedness of all life and avoids exalting himself and his religious beliefs above all others.

     Choosing the negative or unbalanced energy instead of choosing the balanced, harmonious aspect of the archetypal energy, is simply “missing the mark” but can have horrific consequences that destroy lives and ecosystems and even societies. We all experience challenges associated with the types of archetypal energies that are revealed by the Tree of Life and can make the world a heaven or hell through the way we choose to use these basic energies within us. 

   When I perform The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (SIRP), I ask Raphael, “Healer of God,” to heal all dark energies sent to harm me by practitioners of black magic. Then I ask Raphael to heal all dark energies possessing or attached to the practitioners of black magic. Then I ask Raphael to heal the practitioners of black magic, clearing away all dark energies; clearing away all illness and negativity caused by suffering and trauma; clearing away all negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs, all shadow selves, so that they experience divine love and harmony and light, wholeness, and forgiveness, and peace and abundance and joy. Using the same format with each Archangel, I ask Michael, “Like unto God,” to cleanse all dark energies and practitioners of black magic with divine holy fire, and Gabriel, “God is my Strength,” to cleanse them with divine holy water. I ask Uriel, “God is my Light,” Archangel of salvation and the Element of Earth, to fill them all with divine love and harmony. By the time I am through, the Archangels have cleansed and healed and neutralized all dark forces and absorbed them into the balanced energies of their spiritual plane of being, and the practitioners of black magic have been cleansed and filled with divine love and harmony. 

   Cleansing and healing and neutralizing dark forces is far more effective than threatening or cursing or battling them because dark forces feed off of intense, negative energies. Fear and anger and hatred only make them stranger.
   I continue to purify my energy field so that I can tell immediately when someone or something is targeting it. As soon as I experience a sense of oppression or malice or have a negative thought that recurs or becomes amplified, I suspect that I am being attacked, and I consult my pendulum. When the answer is yes, which it has been recently about two times a day, I of course immediately perform my ritual and clear my energy field and ask the Shining Ones to neutralize the dark forces. 

   Most people, I know, cannot believe that God would ever allow so much evil to befall one person. It is frightening to know that intelligent evil forces are mercilessly attacking you. Needless to say, I am beginning to suspect that my current circumstances are too dangerous for others. My pendulum confirms that while serving the Divine Will I must not place anyone in harm's way.

   Spiritual growth is rooted in truth, so I have chosen to share the following. In one type of attack  the demon fills your etheric body with black energy that eventually manifests in the physical body as a debilitating illness. This is perhaps the most insidious type of attack because no negative emotions or physical pains warn the victim that demons are at work. After purifying my chakras and aura, I developed the ability to scan my energy field for negative energy; whenever I see any with my "third eye," I drain it away into the fires below the earth's surface and ask the Archangels to purify my aura with elemental energy. Another type of attack occurs on the emotional level, which can suddenly leave an overwhelming sense of futility, regret, and self-loathing that causes the victim to spiral down into a hopeless depression that can eventually induce suicidal thoughts. I had experienced this type of attack a few times times before I realized that dark forces were targeting me. And of course, demons can manifest in a frequency close to the earth plane and can attack you physically, but they usually prefer to remain hidden. They feed off of negative emotions, so of course they enjoy terrifying people by making their presence known in some way, but they prefer causing a long downward spiral into the depths of misery because that benefits them the most. With the help of my pendulum, I am now able to identify these types of attacks and immediately ask the Archangels to neutralize the negative forces, and the Shining Ones never let me down.

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    All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins. Two of Pentacles: ...