All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Words and Music by Jim Robbins
I dreamed of hiking through flowers that were manifesting
the profound peace of the Source. The trail led
to an abandoned Native village. I felt
a heightened awareness of ancient history
that opened my mind to a profound sense
of timelessness. I experienced an enchantment that still
lingers in subtle realms due to many thousands of years
of ceremonies performed there. I envisioned
gods who show up for those who feel
reverence and love for the creatures of the forest
and for those who once lived there. I found a snake,
a coyote, a wild pig, a bobcat, and a mountain lion.
I had tuned my mind to the peaceful vibrations of the forest,
so I did not threaten the animals. Still I knew
that most animals can move at lightning speed
when necessary. I was in a sacred place,
where I encountered nature spirits and connected
with angelic oversouls of several species,
and I felt the presence of the divine spirit of place,
for I was part of that divinity myself.
Part Nine
Tamarack Creek is about halfway between Shaver Lake and Huntington Lake. I explore the area several times every summer in search of different flowers. I returned to Tamarack Creek recently and was stunned by the devastation. I discovered that my fear (previous post) was justified: The Creek Fire had incinerated everything in the forest, destroying the young and healthy trees and almost all the vegetation, which could soon lead to erosion that clogs the streams with mud and smothers the fish. I also unexpectedly discovered that parts of the meadows survived because of the sogginess of the earth. Unfortunately the fire burned up all the trees bordering the meadows, diminishing the canopy that once shaded the flowers. At different points I found flowers blooming in swampy land right next to areas where fire had totally wiped out every living thing. Every July, for decades, I have found numerous tiger lilies in the meadows at Tamarack Creek. Due to the diminished forest canopy, I found only one tiger lily shriveling in the sun. I have never encountered such severe damage over such a large area.
Soggy Meadow next to the Incinerated Forest:
Tamarack Creek
I know a thing or two that could start a revolution.
You are a magnificent spiritual being. Often limiting and sometimes harsh, the energies of this planet’s environments molded the DNA of your ancestors. Then you arrived with your hair and eye and skin color and all your other amazing physical features after thousands of years of natural selection. Now here you are—an awesome spiritual being in a unique human form.
There is no part of you that is not part of the gods. The archetypal powers of the gods are all part of your psyche. Your higher self can access these energies whenever you choose if you know how (preferably for the highest possible good). Superheroes, modern-day gods, access these powers, which is one reason movies based on comic books are so popular.
The more you connect with the Source through love for people, flowers, trees, animals, spiritual symbols, and great music and art and literature, the more you expand your consciousness. If you mentally purify your chakras, eliminating all the negativity and limiting beliefs that a few individuals and society have embedded in your personal energy field, or aura, you will open a channel to your higher self. The more you access your higher self, the more you grow into a person who realizes the magnificence, abundance, brilliance, power and harmony of the human spirit. “Ye are gods,” claim some revered spiritual teachers (John 10:34, Psalm 82:6). The more you activate the archetypal energies in yourself, the more you manifest the energies of the Divine Source. We are made in God’s image, after all (Genesis 1:27). The mystical Tree of Life of the Kabbalah (or Qabalah), which is an expanded version of the primary chakra system, reveals precisely how we are made in God’s image.
The Mystical Tree of Life
How many employers, wealthy capitalists, politicians, army recruiters, ministers, psychiatrists, family members, and friends want you to know this about yourself? Would they prefer that you dismiss me as a nut-job?
I have had more than a few experiences that you and other people might find extremely difficult to believe. You might even consider me more than a little "touched," considering how far outside of accepted, modern human existence I have sometimes found myself. (I should emphasize that I don’t take drugs. I don’t even take aspirin unless I am in agony.)
My family visited San Simeon fifty years ago, and that day all the rocks on the shore were blanketed by mushy sea anemones, some almost as big as my head, some with tentacles like thick hair flailing this way and that as the waves smashed the rocks. The starfish crawled so slowly that they seemed immobile, the big crabs scurrying into cracks and tiny hermit crabs in snail shells inching along through constantly fluctuating puddles of sea water, the rocks jittery with life in the relentless ebb and flow.
At the place where my family had once hung out fifty years ago, searching for moonstones all afternoon, I discovered that the marine life had totally disappeared from the shore. Some of the rocks that had rippled fifty years ago with nervous movement were scarred and pocked in places where creatures had once latched on to them. Some of them now resemble timeless, primitive sculptures rising out of the sand. Many of them seem to be bleeding globs of tar, which I could not wipe away or even pull off.
Rock Stripped of Marine Life: Estero Bay
I approached strangers to find out what had happened to the marine life that had once flourished on the shore. Some of the locals remembered an oil spill a long time ago, some thought there were just too many people, but without exception each person listed otters, sea lions, porpoises, elephant seals and whales—as if they thought I was simply a tourist who just wanted to know what kind of wildlife I might still be able to find.
“I’m talking about the marine life on the rocks, the crabs and starfish and sea anemones and barnacles. They are all gone now, wiped out somehow!” I exclaimed, but they just kept listing the animals I could find, as if in denial or not remembering or never aware that a different order of existence had once dominated the shore—as if these forms of life are no longer part of their collective reality or maybe because they just wanted me to accept whatever reality exists now.
When I was in the boy scouts, about twelve or so, a pyromaniac camping with me and two other scouts managed to light the tent and several backpacks on fire while I was sound asleep. I was using my backpack as a pillow. Someone yelled “Fire!” over and over, and I eventually threw myself out of the tent, choking on thick smoke. Suddenly I felt pain searing the back of my head. I told another scout who was sharing the tent with me that my head hurt something awful.
He was two years older and growled at me, “Shut up and go back to sleep and don’t say anything to anyone!” Enough remained of the tent for us eventually to go back in and sleep despite the stench.
The next day I told other boys in the troop that my head hurt and asked them to see if anything was wrong. “No, nothing’s wrong,” they all stated flatly. One of them finally found a comb and started pulling strands of hair out of my scalp as the others watched. “No, nothing’s wrong. You just have a lot of rats in your hair,” he claimed. The others nodded in agreement. I could hardly stand the pain, but they were all older than I was, and eventually I stopped doubting them. When I returned home, my mother immediately noticed a large, bright red patch streaked with black on the back of my head. “What on earth happened to you?” she exclaimed. “Nothing,” I muttered. She grabbed my arm and escorted me into the bathroom where she handed me a mirror while I stood with my back to a larger mirror. I suddenly realized how easily fooled I could be—how easy it is to get people, even if they are in agony, to question their own reality and accept a lie, an alternate reality.
The great conservationist John Muir in 1868 wrote a letter in which he claimed, “The valley of the San Joaquin is the floweriest piece of world I have ever walked, one vast level, even flower-bed, a sheet of flowers….” (1) By the time my family moved to the San Joaquin Valley fifty years ago, the flowers had all disappeared. The rivers in the valley were bone dry, the wetlands dwindling down to 4% of their historical levels, the canals brimming with irrigation water for vineyards and almond orchards and other water-guzzling crops that have little or no social benefit and have no business being grown in a desert. Each almond, for instance, takes over a gallon of water to produce (and almonds are now the dominant crop in the Valley). As I passed these unsustainable crops on the way to the coast, I noticed signs near just about every almond orchard, signs that demanded more dams. Farms have already killed the rivers in the Valley and are sucking up so much ground water that the land is subsiding in many places. Wealthy landowners continue to hope that taxpayers will foot the bill for dams that wipe out public lands for the benefit of the landowning class, the top few percent: Socialism for the wealthy once again.
As global warming and the economic crisis and the pandemic have clearly revealed, capitalists don’t plan or work for the public good or for a sustainable future, only for their own short-term profit, a situation that continues to lead to the destabilizing of the biosphere and to the destruction of ecosystems and to unnecessary mass death. The super-rich elites resist serving the public good because that would require them to pay more taxes and change their business strategy. The elites, even as their media outlets demonize the government, have captured the political system with campaign cash and look forward to more tax cuts and taxpayer bailouts. The super-rich keep getting richer. So much for dealing rationally on a large scale with lethal crises that have relatively simple solutions. So much for the lives of our children and grandchildren.
This bears repeating: You cannot deal with evil effectively on the political level. Evil is a spiritual problem and can only be addressed effectively to any real degree on the spiritual level. So many free-thinking liberals, many of whom are atheists and agnostics, are openly skeptical that a spiritual dimension even exists. Those who practice evil, not only in occult rituals but also in politics and business, no doubt find this obtuseness quite amusing.
When I tell people that huge herds of tule elk and antelope and deer, as well as predators that trimmed the herds, such as mountain lions and grizzly bears, once roamed the valley floor over a hundred years ago; when I tell people that millions of birds used the Valley as a flyway during their migrations, stopping in the wetlands refreshed by the rivers that flooded periodically, I receive a blank stare. I recently read that Native American encampments in the Sierra Nevada Mountains no longer existed after 1917. When I tell people that I have walked on ancient Native American paths all over the mountains, finding village sites that have existed for thousands of years, many sites still with house pits and with pestles in the mortars of the pounding stones, I receive the same blank stare. Some of them, especially children, look at me like I am crazy. Sometimes I feel like I am. My experience and knowledge do not jibe with this society's collective reality.
Once, when I was hiking next to a creek in the foothills, I encountered a gnome-like creature. He was about two feet tall. For a moment, I thought he was a large raven or vulture because of his cloak of dark bird feathers, and because of his long, hooked nose, which resembled a beak. Then I saw his toes and large ears, and I noticed that he was wrinkled and skinny and a little dirty but human, or at least human-like. I stood absolutely still, gazing at a small tuft of hair on his head and his long eyelashes as he blinked, one eye at a time. He didn’t appear at all afraid, so I took a step forward, and he suddenly rushed at me, which totally caught me off-guard. I was standing in plants that I had never encountered before, and I couldn’t see him under their huge, palm-like leaves, but due to the movement of the plants, I could tell that he was circling me, hitting the stems to make the plants shake. He was lightning fast—far faster than any human I have ever encountered—as fast as a wild animal.
He had run straight at me and circled me several times before I saw him vanish into the forest. He didn’t act like any wild animal that I have ever encountered. Instead of attacking me, he seemed to be messing with me, despite what appeared to be his advanced age, possibly attempting to show me that I would never be able to catch him or his kind. In retrospect, he seemed far too knowledgeable about his surroundings and far too stealthy to allow himself to be caught out in the open. When I first saw him, he was just standing next to a tree, gazing at me, as though waiting for me to notice him.
Totally stunned, I was suddenly aware of another order of existence that I had never imagined I would find, one which I realized few people, if any, would ever believe. Oddly, after the gnome-like creature vanished, I felt like I had failed in some way. I had hoped for a split second that I might communicate with him. He had revealed unequivocally that I had entered his realm, a place where I was no match for him or his kind, despite the size difference. Someone recently suggested that perhaps he circled me three times to invite me into the faery realms, but at the time it seemed more like he was simply showing me that I was invading his territory.
60 percent of the wildlife on this planet has disappeared in the last fifty years. My experience with the gnome-like creature has made me wonder what else humanity might be in the process of wiping off the face of the planet.
I think I mentioned in a previous post that at one point in my life I unexpectedly envisioned spiritual symbols during meditation. One of those symbols was a golden, equal-armed cross with indistinct angels at each end. Each angel was wearing a robe: one was yellow, one red, one blue, and one white. I did some research and discovered that the symbol represents two occult rituals, one The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP), the other The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (SIRP). Both include the Archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Auriel, who each represent a cardinal direction and an “element of the wise.” Raphael (East) represents the element of Air and wears a yellow robe; Michael (South) represents the element of Fire and wears a red robe; Gabriel (West) represents the element of Water and wears a blue robe; and Auriel (North) represents the element of Earth and wears a white robe. These elements, of course, are states of being that are not represented in the periodic table. In human terms, Air represents intellect and the conscious mind; Fire represents passion and willpower; Water represents emotion and the subconscious mind; Earth represents, for some, material substance and for others the etheric foundation of life, a kind of energetic interface between consciousness and the physical dimension.
Fascinated, I, of course, had to perform the rituals. The second time I performed the SIRP, I invoked the Archangel Raphael. By that I mean in my mind’s eye I envisioned the Archangel suddenly dissolving into thousands of points of light that rushed towards me and swirled around me. As I mentioned in a previous post, suddenly I was in what I can only describe as a thought-bubble of mind-boggling complexity, with mathematical symbols and equations floating all around me. At the same time, I experienced a profound sense of eternity that I had never experienced before. These awesome spiritual beings that we call Archangels or Gods are vastly superior to human beings. The two rituals, which my visions of spiritual symbols led me to discover, can provide a kind of interface with them, however.
I soon discovered that these Shining Ones are perhaps the greatest powers of harmony in our world, if not the cosmos. They work with us if we serve the Divine Will to create or maintain harmony and balance in the world. They do not allow individual human desire or ego to interfere with their divine work. I also soon discovered that they were giving me the opportunity to work with them to neutralize spiritually unbalanced people and forces.
I discovered that some powerful spiritual beings have the ability to manifest in an energetic frequency that is very close to the physical plane. They can poke you and prod you and shake you violently and hold you down and choke you and engulf you in a cold, heavy energy that causes paralysis, and they can adversely affect parts of the physical body with negative energy that eventually manifests as serious and even sometimes fatal disease. They can also cause debilitating negative emotions. I soon figured out that the Archangels, if we work with them, neutralize these demonic forces to create balance and harmony in our plane of being. As co-creators with the Source, humans can set the intention for the Archangels to heal and cleanse and fill these unbalanced forces with divine love and harmony. Since we have free will, we can either allow these forces to run amok in world, or with the Shining Ones, we can neutralize them to create or reestablish balance.
Some people are able to control dark forces through black magic and have inflicted a great deal of harm in recent years. I have discovered that dark entities can undermine individuals and societies, especially capitalistic societies that have shredded the social safety net and enabled elites to rake in enormous profits at the expense of people and the planet. Many of you have noticed that we keep coming closer and closer to totalitarian rule. The attempts to overthrow democracy, or what's left of it, continue on both the political and spiritual levels. I can’t prove that practitioners of black magic are working to end the last semblances of democracy in this society. I have, however, lived it on a personal spiritual level and have witnessed it in our society for many years now. I know that the crises that we experience in this dimension are but shadows cast by the spiritual dimension upon our world.
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