Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Pestle next to a Pounding Stone:
North Fork of Kings River


Words and Music by Jim Robbins

Due to unusual rainfall, early and late spring flowers

are blooming at the same time, creating rare tapestries

in many stretches of woodland forest. As often as I can,

I have escaped the plague and renewed my faith

by immersing myself in the harmony of the earth, and by extension,

the cosmos. I sense the spirits of the flowers and am friends

with the Over Souls of every species. I assume the harmony

of these angels that have abided on this earth in ravishing splendor

with each other for untold ages. I know that the power

of harmony prevails even though in these times of isolation

I might sometimes feel the fear of being out of control.

In isolation I remain connected to this power.

I have developed a spiritual immunity to dark,

unbalanced forces. When ill, I have connected

with this awesome power and have quickly

become whole again. I know that I am one

with this power because I

am one with the Source. I know

that I am one with this harmony

because I am one with the Source.

Satellite Image of Pine Flat Dam


Part Eleven

     When I was eleven, my family moved from Pomona to Fresno, CA. Soon after the move, my father drove my brother, me, and a couple of neighborhood kids out to Pine Flat Dam. My father parked the car below the dam, and he urged us to get out of the car to get a better sense of the size of the monolithic structure. Out of the blue, one of the neighborhood kids yelled, "Let's go!" Leaving my father with the car, the rest of us scrambled up the hill. I was two years younger than my brother and the neighborhood kids, and about half way up the hill, I suddenly discovered that I was all alone. This proved to be the first of many times that they would ditch me.

     I, of course, had to decide whether or not to continue climbing the hill, which was getting steeper and steeper, or to head back down to the car. When I gazed at the road below, I couldn't see the car anymore. I had no idea then that above me a road led to the dam. I wasn't afraid, however; all alone I just kept crawling up the hill, practically on all fours before I reached a flat area where heavy equipment had been parked. (See the area delineated in red in the satellite image above.)

     Trying to catch my breath, I bent over, a little startled to find myself on flat ground on such a steep hillside. Suddenly a feeling of extreme hostility engulfed me. I twirled around but could not see anyone else. 

     In retrospect, I realize now that at the age of eleven I was quite psychic--before the testosterone kicked in and I started focusing most of my attention on satisfying social needs. Nevertheless, I was totally alone, unable to identify where the hostility was coming from. As I looked around, I noticed that I was standing in what resembled a large, grayish-brown wound in the earth. Suddenly I was certain that some powerful spirit was furious about what people had done to the earth there. To me, it didn't look very different from the cuts for mountain roads that I had experienced many times before during my family's travels. I investigated the heavy equipment, a bulldozer, too afraid to touch private property even though I was alone. Finally, still deeply disturbed, I climbed a steep dirt road to find the asphalt road that led to the dam.

     After a short hike up the road, I discovered my father's car parked by the side of the road. He and the kids were already exploring the top of the dam. (Fifty years ago, before people committed suicide by leaping from the top, the dam was open to the public and unsupervised.) As I rushed to catch up with the others, slightly dizzy from the height of the dam but happy to have found them, I was no longer thinking about the inexplicable feeling of hostility that I had experienced a little while earlier. Only years later did I understand why a spirit might be enraged by what had happened to the area.

     In retrospect, I learned two lessons from the experience. First of all, I realized that I could somehow sense the feelings of spiritual entities. Secondly, I realized that I could handle dangerous, uncertain circumstances. The same kids on other trips ditched me twice on moonless nights in woodland areas where I had never been before. They also lured me into a cave, turned off the flashlights and left me alone in absolute darkness. I heard their giggles far off in the distance as I stood alone, literally unable to see my hand in front of my face. I had a general sense of where I was in relation to the cave wall, so I inched carefully, arms outstretched, until I touched the rock wall. After about an hour of feeling my way along the wall, I saw a glimmer of light and finally reached the opening of the cave. 

     Those lessons have helped me to survive some current circumstances. 

     Demons have not assaulted me in two weeks. My pendulum has confirmed that the tax-funded government agency that had been targeting me could no longer find anyone who could even pretend to perform black magic. I had been getting the feeling lately that the leaders of the shadow project were running out of effective practitioners of the dark arts: The most recent attacks were wimpy and amateurish compared to the ferocity that I had grown used to. I even chuckled a few times while they were in progress. One sorcerer made it seem like a cat was meowing loudly outside my bedroom door at two in the morning. (All my doors and windows were locked, and I have never owned a cat.) Another sent four ghostly hooded figures to stand around my bed. Another made things fall off the shelves in my bedroom in the middle of the night. Real sorcerers don't mess around: they send demons who violently shake you or your bed when you’re falling asleep or who pin you down and choke you as they feed off your energy or who insert etheric knives into your brain or heart or digestive system or who fill your aura with negative energy that eventually manifests as a serious or fatal illness. You know, stuff that wrecks your psyche and/or kills you.

     Free of that evil, I feel like someone whose personality has disappeared, someone suddenly free to start life over without any bad memories or negativity associated with the past. 

     I have experienced a chronic illness for decades. Eventually I even reached a point during which I died in my own mind. Before I eliminated gluten from my diet, at a time when I could not digest most foods and regularly experienced atrial fibrillation, I envisioned the angel of death circling above my room. At that point, my job, my bank account, my status no longer held any meaning for me. 

     As I envisioned the angel of death in my mind's eye, I remembered my father's body, waxy and doll-like, laid out in his best suit on a single bed. My mother had to okay the work of the funeral-home technicians before they fitted his body in the coffin. The funeral director at that moment forced my mother to choose between a concrete vault for his grave that would last twenty-five years or a thicker one that would last fifty years. My mother grimaced and let out a stifled groan. Glancing at me, she chose the latter option even though it was twice as expensive. At that moment, it seemed significant to me for some reason that my father was in his fifties when he died, and I wanted to yell that the thickness of the vault didn’t matter. Nobody would ever check to see, while he decomposed, before those fifty years were over, whether or not he still resembled the pasty dummy next to us on the bed. (I should emphasize that my father was a smart man in his own way.)  I had just turned seventeen, but despite the fact that I had never experienced a greater urgency to speak in my life, I remained silent.

     As you can see, I am no longer remaining silent.

     If I had died from a stroke or a heart attack at the age of fifty-five due to the cumulative effects of gluten poisoning, a couple of people might have mourned my passing, even fewer than those who had showed up at my father’s funeral. That realization, after I experienced a few moments of self-pity, gave me an unexpected feeling of liberation, almost like the kind of release that I  experienced after two weeks of freedom from attacks by dark forces.

     The Tree of Life reveals how the Universal Energy Field manifests in the personal energy field. As above, so below. I had become one with the Tree of Life while neutralizing dark forces during my rituals so often that it was becoming difficult for me to distinguish between my personal energy field and Universal Consciousness. After the attacks ended, I was finally free, nothing more or less than a pure point of consciousness in a vast, divine fabric of energy, feeling peace beyond understanding and compassion for all life, transcending all negativity.

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    All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins. Two of Pentacles: ...