Wednesday, December 14, 2022

All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

Queen of Pentacles

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Words and Music By Jim Robbins

We embody the water.
We coalesce with the light.
We merge with the air.
We belong to the earth.

Do you recall how once we started singing
to the water and sun and sky and earth,
and our voices echoed through the canyon:

How many times must we drink
before we are one with the river?
How many times must we blink
before we are one with the light.
How many times must we breathe
before we are one with the sky?
How many times must we fall
before we are one with the earth?

We embody the water.
We coalesce with the light.
We merge with the air.
We belong to the earth.

Do you recall how once we started singing
to the water and sun and sky and earth,
and our voices echoed through the world:

How many times must we dive
before we merge with the river?
How many times must we open our eyes
before we become the light.
How many times must we sigh
before we know the love of the sky?
How many times must we fall
before we are one with the earth?


Part Eight

   One day, after Simon had meditated a while, the Princess briefly appeared to him. She was bent over, sitting with her cheek in her hand, staring down at the floor. Simon was so elated that he rushed over to her. Before he got there, however, she had vanished. During his meditation, he had seen her so clearly and felt such love for her that he knew she was coming back to him. Simon suspected that the intensity of his knowing was the key to bringing her back to life. Simon tried several more times in meditation to bring her back with clear visualization, strong emotion, and deep inner knowing, and it worked, each time, but for only a few moments. Simon suddenly believed that if many people would do the same thing, together they might create enough energy to bring her back for good, so he rushed out into the town square and told anyone who would listen about Princess Ariadne’s predicament, and he asked each person he told to imagine her, with strong emotion, as happy and whole until they just knew that she was back to normal.

   Katie seemed to bounce back at one point. Her oxygen levels were good, so they removed the breathing tube. She could talk coherently and move all of her limbs. She even stood up for a few moments. She still wasn’t retaining water, however. An artery in her abdomen started collapsing. She was at death’s door once again. I sat by her bed for hours imagining a brilliant white, healing light enveloping her, knowing with all my heart that she was healthy and whole. People all across the country were praying for her. I was absolutely certain that she was going to make it.

   On a social level, energetic frequencies other than beta brain waves tend to be associated with fuzzy head-in-the-cloud thinking and the inability to function properly in the real world, an attitude that has become a major obstacle both to connection with nature and to spiritual development. When not required to remain in beta mode by high stress jobs, people nowadays tend to slip into alpha and theta states under the influence of the mass media, which controls the flow of thoughts and emotions and tends to extinguish the potential for authentic spiritual experience.

   I had the good fortune to experience the World Soul often on fishing trips when I was growing up. After practicing meditation for several years, I finally understood what it means to tune the soul to the heart beat of Mother Nature, explained by science in terms of the alpha and theta brain frequencies.
   During meditation, I “drop into the void” for extended periods, and I sometimes experience a subtle order of existence that is “objective” in the sense that I envision what other seers throughout history have also experienced. Other visionaries, in other words, have also envisioned the symbols and archetypes of what Carl Jung has described as the “collective unconscious.”
   The Tree of Life is extremely helpful to the traveler into the unseen. Throughout history, cultures have created different pantheons of Gods and Archangels that represent the subtle forces. In other words, a God symbolically represents a force or power that exists in the subtle spiritual dimension of the cosmos--and inside each human being: “As above, so below.” One God might represent the force of expansion, another the force of restriction, another the power of the intellect, another the power of harmonizing love. Jesus, for instance, is a Savior that finds his rightful place in the sixth Emanation of the Tree of Life, known as Beauty, or Tiphareth, along with other sacrificial Gods.
   Different cultures have similar Gods because the same forces have existed inside of people throughout history. Different forces have been emphasized in each culture based on its needs. One culture might emphasize the courage and energy and strength of Mars while another might emphasize the intellectual power of Mercury while another might emphasize the power of love and beauty represented by Venus.  Whenever a person contacts a cosmic force fashioned symbolically into a God or Goddess, that person is actually contacting an aspect of the energy of a sphere on the the Tree of Life.
   Unfortunately most people do not realize that each individual, without a priest interceding, can access the cosmic force symbolically represented by a God or Savior, and each person can establish a channel or correspondence with that energy because the energy also exists within each individual: the microcosm (the individual) reflects the macrocosm (the cosmos).
   On the cosmic level, manifestation of all forms begins within the seventh Emanation of the Tree of Life, a state of being known as Netzach, or "Victory"--a title which suggests the victory of natural forces that manifest in ravishing beauty and diversity. Netzach is the sphere of the Goddess Venus. Dion Fortune, arguably the most influential Qabalist in recent history, once pointed out that any religion without the Goddess is "halfway to atheism." In common parlance, Earth is our "mother," and fortunately in much of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, at least, the Goddess undeniably still reigns, but many irreplaceable ecosystems have already been destroyed or are almost always threatened by vested interests, places like the San Joaquin River Gorge.

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    All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins. Two of Pentacles: ...