All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
The Chariot
Words and Music By Jim Robbins
Suddenly I can see your hidden eyes
that now see me. Kings have never
marveled at your golden crown.
Priests have never beheld the glittering diamond
above your head. Architects could never
draw your ladder to the eternal.
Painters could never capture the rainbow flowers
of your aura or the soft pink or your heart.
Astronomers have never witnessed your brilliant sun.
Clerks have never sold your golden cups
and plates or your pure white tablecloths.
Doctors have never examined your golden caduceus.
Nuns have never noticed your golden, equal-armed cross.
But suddenly I can see your hidden eyes
that now see me....
Part Seven
After a while, Simon grew tired, and he would rest his eyes. He wasn’t really napping, just clearing his mind, dropping into the void, as if that might bring him closer to the Princess. Simon began to envision other symbols, and once he thought he saw the rainbow colors of her aura. He had envisioned other symbols before while resting: a brilliant sun, a diamond in the lotus, a golden caduceus. When he remembered that the caduceus represented optimum health, he realized that the symbols might be bridges to healing spiritual energies, so he clearly envisioned the symbols in her energy field with as much compassion and love as he could muster.
Many years ago, I started meditating to relieve stress, and soon experienced visions of spiritual symbols such as those mentioned in the song, “Hidden Eyes.” Sitting by Katie’s hospital bed, I brought healing energies through the symbols into Katie’s energy field, and I felt with great certainty that the spiritual energies were healing her.
As I sat for weeks next to Katie's hospital bed, I had plenty of time to mull over social and political difficulties. As Katie was fighting death, I realized that we live in a culture of death, death from air and water pollution, from cigarettes and alcohol, from legal and illegal drugs, from guns, from unsafe cars and other commercial products, from unsafe work places, from toxins in the food supply, including gluten--and more and more now, death from climate disruption. And the greedy capitalists who are causing this death rarely suffer significant consequences, mainly because they have bought off the politicians. We live in a culture of death and perpetual war; the war machine has its tentacles in just about every community in the country. Weapons of all kinds, some that can destroy the whole planet, are about all that this country manufactures anymore, and we use them for full-spectrum dominance and spread them all over the world.
As my daughter was struggling to stay alive, I whispered a little prayer for her because in our country we live in a venal culture of death.
Almighty God, bless my daughter and all who are suffering.
Great Archangel Raphael, heal the greedy who are part of this system of exploitation and death: the super-rich, the masters of war, the financial and economic predators, the corrupt politicians, and all the others who are destroying this planet and so many lives, so many lives.
Great Archangel Michael, cleanse the destroyers and despoilers with divine, holy Fire.
Great Archangel Gabriel, cleanse them with divine, holy Water.
Great Archangel Auriel, bless them with divine love and harmony.
Almighty God and great Archangels, bless all who suffer, and bless our beloved Gaia, mother Earth, with divine love and harmony and light and wholeness and peace and abundance and joy.
Almighty God and great powers of harmony, let us be in balance with this incredible Earth: the elemental energies in balance within us, the energies of the Tree of Life in balance within us, our personal energy fields in balance with thy Universal Energy Field.
And for this we thank you, Almighty God. For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, forever and ever, Lord. Amen.
So it is and so it shall ever be.
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