Friday, September 30, 2022

All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Words and Music by Jim Robbins

Messages everywhere, in the sky,
in ocean waves, in rivers, in leaves,
and grass, and fire. Everywhere I’ve seen messages
of love and oneness and wholeness and grace.

But now I have heard dark messages for so long,
messages of rage and hatred and fear, that I
instead see those messages in the water and air
and earth and fire. But when I turn back to you,

I feel messages of kindness and compassion
and love and understanding again in my heart,
and I send messages of light and love back to you
until we are one in spirit, purified and unified

and whole, and suddenly the world
is whole again, and the water and fire
and air and earth are all part
of one great tapestry.

Part Three

   The pendulum at first impressed me as totally accurate, and it soon became my most trusted adviser. If you have not been initiated into the Mysteries, by life or a by a master, you will no doubt consider this story about my pendulum to be the strangest of fictions. I assure you, however, that I am being as truthful to you as my pendulum is to me. In fact, I encourage you to buy your own pendulum to check the information in this story if you don't believe me. If you continue to use the pendulum, you might discover, as I did, that the voice that rises through your soul into your conscious mind is sometimes from the Source of all creation....

   After the pendulum revealed that my parents had adopted me, I remembered a bizarre event that had occurred when I was five or six. One night before I went to bed, my mother poured out a tablespoon of molasses as my father hovered over her. I had no clue about why they needed to give me molasses or why my father felt the need to supervise. My parents claimed that it was like medicine but better tasting. After they had tucked me in bed and turned off the light, my body began arranging itself into insane positions, with a leg above my head and an arm sticking out of my ribs, for instance. Though very young, I realized that I was losing my mind, and I screamed for help. My parents, both smiling, stepped through my bedroom door and assured me that I was only having a bad dream, and they encouraged me to go back to sleep.
   I wanted to yell that I had never actually gone to sleep, but my father turned off the light and closed the door, and my body immediately continued contorting itself into impossible positions until I blacked out. I woke up standing in the middle of the family room with the TV on full blast. I was suddenly conscious that I was screaming about how I was not able to carry the TV on my back anymore. My parents guided me to bed, assuring me that I was just having another bad dream and that I would be fine in the morning.
   I soon found out that Amber, skilled at remote viewing, also reads the Akashic Records, which is a sort of library in another dimension where memories of experiences in all dimensions are stored. After I discovered that I was adopted, I naturally desired to find out who my birth parents were, so I asked if she could find any record in the cosmic library. At the time, I wasn’t expecting credible results, but Amber discovered far more than I had imagined she would. She informed me that I have experienced a process of initiation into the Mysteries over the course of ten lifetimes. I was a Magus in my previous lifetime and wove the knowledge of the symbols of the mystical Tree of Life into the fabric of my being, as if I had threaded them through my DNA, so that I would have visions of them when I was ready and eventually remember my mission as a spiritual warrior who maintains balance on different levels in the subtle realms. My real parents were part of that mystical tradition but were killed in what appeared to be an accident before I had formed any memories of them. According to Amber, my parents were murdered by members of a shadow project formed by the government after WWII. Occultist’s in that shadow agency could also see the history of my soul and have experimented on me in various ways since I was two years old. Amber, at that point in the reading, became exhausted and could no longer continue. My pendulum verified that the information was true, but I didn't know at that point what to make of it all.

     At this point in our society's health and economic crisis, I often hear despair in the voices of commentators on liberal talk shows. They recognize the evil in our political system but don't understand that actual evil is a spiritual problem, not a political one. Unfortunately, many liberals are agnostics or atheists and doubt that a spiritual dimension exists and therefore don't have a clue about how to keep evil from unravelling the fabric of society, which I'm sure many practitioners of black magic and Republicans and autocrats and fascists find amusing. People with knowledge can stop evil, but if I tried to tell talk-show hosts and pundits how to neutralize dark forces, they would not believe me anymore than you do.
     When I was seven years old, I learned how to wiggle my ears. Everyone in my family seemed wildly enthusiastic about my new ability, so I continued focusing on my new skill and soon discovered that I could wiggle one ear at a time. I experienced a surprising lack of enthusiasm, however, when I revealed this variation of ear wiggling to my family and friends—despite the fact that wiggling first one ear, then the other, had taken much longer to master than wiggling both ears at the same time.

     Like most children, I also learned how to whistle and snap my fingers, skills that I struggled to master. By the third grade, however, I was the best in my class at playing Simon Says. By the fourth grade, I could outrun everybody in school. In the fifth grade, while playing football at recess, I made several spectacular catches that greatly elevated my status. Without realizing it then, I was experiencing the power of my mind over my body.

     At the age of forty-two, I learned how to heal myself. After I mentally purified my chakras, I soon discovered that I could scan my personal energy field, or aura, for negative energies, and then with my imagination I could release the negative energies into the fires below the earth. Sometimes, physical symptoms emerged soon after I mentally eliminated the negative energies, the most remarkable example being the surfacing of a large boil in my armpit the day after I had mentally drained away streaks of black energy from under my arm. Two days later a pure white growth, the size of a musket ball, oozed out of the boil. I eventually repeated the same mental purification process two more times, first in one armpit, then in the other, and each time a round white ball popped out of a boil in a day or two.

     I remained an agnostic until I started meditating. After my spiritual awakening, I discovered that the physical body is only one aspect of the total  human energy system. We have different types of subtle energy in our aura, each of which goes by different names in various spiritual traditions. Some traditions classify the different dimensions as the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels of being. Other traditions have identified many subtle levels. All the different classifications can get confusing, unfortunately—but one thing I know for certain, the activities of the mind, both conscious and subconscious, can affect all aspects of the human energy system. For instance, negative emotions repressed in the subconscious mind can surface as physical illness. Conversely, the conscious mind can eliminate negative energies, thereby avoiding serious physical illness, by draining those energies from the aura through a method of release that works for the individual.

     Humans have a natural healing power that is not known by many people—possibly because we are more easily controlled and exploited if we remain unaware that the human mind is incredibly powerful.

     The imagination is the mind’s conscious connection to the different types of energy, both in the human energy field and the subtle world around us. For example, my subconscious mind’s way of revealing information about negative energy that might manifest as illness usually consists of showing black streaks or blots on the screen of my imagination. The imagination, if allowed, in addition to creating compelling images of the subtle energies within us, can personify the invisible forces around us, revealing subtle forces that the subconscious presents to the conscious mind as fantastic or uncommon forms that reveal the nature of the force, such as gods or demons or angels or werewolves or pixies. For instance, when I am in a natural place undisturbed by human beings, I might perceive in my mind’s eye an archetypal symbol such as an equal-armed cross on top of a pyramid, or (especially when I am near ancient Native American village sites) I might envision a goddess associated with a spring or a god of the hunt or a human-like spidery creature, for the forms of subtle forces fashioned by the human imagination often persist in physical locations for a long time. Archetypal symbols of harmony appear in my imagination when I am in pristine natural areas; fantastic human-like forms usually only appear in areas where humans have presided for a long time.

     I should emphasize that I only began envisioning these forms in my imagination after I mentally purified my aura. Before then, negative energies veiled my inner vision and caused disruptive, incessant chatter in my conscious mind, making it instead a “monkey mind.” Like the figure in the Nine of Swords above, I would often project anger at people or groups that I didn’t really know, as if they were the cause of the negative energy in my aura. For instance, as a liberal Democrat, I would often become furious with Republicans. 

     Negative energies dominate the energy fields of most people in modern society, and, unfortunately, many unhappy people target others who seem to them to be the cause of their negativity. Hate groups especially maintain a focus on a level of fear that can lead to mob mentality. Fear can cause group negativity that can quickly escalate into war—at this point it could even lead to the annihilation of the entire human race.

     I should emphasize that I don’t take drugs. In fact, I don’t even take aspirin unless I am in agony. I believe now that drugs only mask negativity in the energy field, yet symptoms manifest to reveal disease. Unfortunately, we too often hand over our personal healing power to doctors, who often have no clue about what is troubling us and simply prescribe some type of medication that might not only mask the cause of the disease but also have serious side effects. This enables the for-profit medical industry to make tons of money from human suffering but often doesn’t help their patients. I haven’t been to a doctor in decades, mainly because none of them could determine that gluten poisoning was killing me; after a few minutes of “consulting” with me they instead prescribed some useless medication manufactured to counteract psychological illness. I once had an acquaintance, who was not even a doctor, immediately make the correct diagnosis of my condition after I had only given a short summary of my symptoms. Gluten eventually caused atrial fibrillation, a serious form of heart disease, as well as the low production of stomach acid, which meant that I couldn’t digest foods effectively, both together creating a condition that bordered on agony.

     Just as the Universal Energy Field contains different dimensions of energy, so does the human energy field. In the bible we find that man was made in God's image. "As above, so below" is a famous adage associated with the Hermetic tradition. Because the individual human energy field reflects the Universal Energy Field in terms of energetic frequencies, the human mind can access subtle cosmic forces of harmony. Many Shining Ones, of course, are extremely powerful and staggeringly intelligent—far more than human doctors or scientists. The human subconscious mind tends to give these awesome forces the form of angels or archangels or gods in the imagination. If a connection is made with one or more of these forces, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, healing can occur in a way that some might consider miraculous—when in fact it is a natural latent ability that the human mind can develop, an ability, I should add, that remains free for everyone. However, a person can also hand over his or her personal spiritual power to a spiritual leader or follow a redeemer or savior figure without making an authentic spiritual connection. To make harmonious changes spiritually you make a personal connection in the deepest dimensions of your own psyche, which can have the added benefit of increasing the understanding that all energy is divinely connected.

     According to different psychics, dark forces have targeted me for most of my life. A year before the pandemic began, dark forces were targeting me daily. After the pandemic began, dark forces targeted me twice daily on the average. It was obvious to me that evil was rising as the pandemic raged and the economy crumbled and people remained isolated. Fortunately I learned how to neutralize dark forces by working with spiritual powers of harmony.

     My parents both grew up in the depression. My father and uncles, stationed in different parts of the world, endured the horrors of WWII. Two of them survived plane crashes that traumatized them. No matter what my pendulum reveals about my parents, I can't blame them for actions based on fear. In the modern world, people have not been taught how to neutralize evil, and it has proven difficult, if not impossible, to mobilize effectively on a political level against evil without great carnage. 

     We cannot stop evil or heal a sick political and economic system without first healing ourselves, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, and we cannot heal ourselves if we are regularly exposed to toxic chemicals and toxic thoughts and emotions and dark forces. The individual human mind, as I mentioned, is extremely powerful, but remains powerless without knowledge. 

     Working with powerful spiritual forces of harmony, we can neutralize much of the evil in the world. However, since many of us have been conditioned to believe that we are powerless spiritually and politically, our society could face a grim future. If I ever feel hopeless, I remember that I experienced a spiritual awakening at the age of forty-two--during a terrible illness--and I remind myself that with awesome powers of harmony I regularly neutralize dark subtle forces.

     Let’s play Simon Says. Simon says wave your hand in the air and whistle, twirl around and snap your fingers, jump up and down and stick out your tongue, pat your head and tummy at the same time while standing on one leg, wiggle your ears. Simon says heal your body and heart and mind.  Simon says remember that you have that power.

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    All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins. Two of Pentacles: ...