All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Words and Music by Jim Robbins
Once I believed that I should just keep searching
for treasures and pleasures and deafening distractions.
Then I thought that I heard the faintest whisper, a message
rising through my soul and into my heart. For a moment
the message almost formed into words,
but I lost it in the noise and confusion.
Again, and again, I felt sudden downloads into my soul--
messages that never quite made it to my brain.
I was afraid of the words that I might hear. I thought
that they would change me or make me strange.
And I ran far but never far enough. I would find a flower
or feel the rain or be immersed in a deep message
that flowed, like breath, from a tree into my soul--
a peace beyond understanding.
Finally, I just stopped running.
I stayed still and felt the voice
rising like a song into my heart
until I could transcribe the meaning.
I am no longer afraid the words will ever harm me.
The messages flow from the Source of all Creation,
messages of love and peace and oneness and splendor.
And I just keep listening to the faintest songs, to whispers
rising through my soul and heart and into my conscious mind.
Part Two
Bran asked us why we thought the people behind the false flag operation had targeted the Twin Towers. I conjectured that it was all about justifying wars in the Middle East, which profited the oil industry and the private corporations connected with the military-industrial complex. Amber calmly stated that she felt it was somehow more nefarious than that. After addressing a number of possibilities, Bran finally announced that the elites were revealing the absolute power they have over the United States; they can make up any narrative, no matter how outlandish, and attack any number of countries whenever it is in their interests, all the while manipulating the media to get the masses to believe anything. Above all, the operation has proven to be an extremely successful mind control experiment....
While Bran was rambling on, Amber looked at me inquisitively for the first time. After the meeting, she congratulated me for impressing everyone during the remote-viewing session, and I realized that we had the potential to form a friendship based on our spiritual abilities—no common bond in this society. I, by that point, could not help but realize that I was getting a tiny bit lonelier every day, so I asked her if she would like to get together at Starbucks for a cup of coffee later in the week, which is where she gave me the pendulum. We had a lively chat about various spiritual topics, during which she gave me some helpful pointers about the pendulum. For instance, she explained that people have free will; therefore the future is like a sea of possibilities, which means that predictions about the future are often unreliable because the pendulum can only make predictions based on current trends and conditions. However, my friend claimed that the pendulum is accurate about past events and spiritual matters. Right then and there in Starbucks, I asked the pendulum if aliens had participated in the false flag operation that had brought down the Twin Towers. Answer: Yes. My friend chortled and lightly slapped my hand, causing the pendulum to spin wildly.
When I first began using the pendulum on my own, I recognized a slight pressure rising from within, like a voice yelling from a black box buried deep inside me. I had experienced that sensation before but had always ignored it. After working with the pendulum for a while, I truly began to believe that some other dimension of my self would occasionally attempt to convey urgent messages. I soon concluded that the pendulum is a reliable tool that enables my soul to communicate with my conscious mind. So when I would have a strong, unexpected feeling or image in my mind, with pendulum in hand, I would ask a question that might result in a significant message from my core, and I would often receive an answer that jibed with my intuition.
At first, I didn't treat the pendulum seriously. I asked the pendulum any questions that occurred to me, from the mundane to the bizarre. Then I began asking questions that I had suppressed in my subconscious mind because I didn’t think that they could ever be answered. A few years ago, for instance, my mother, at the age of 88 (when she was still lucid), had blurted out that I was adopted. Noticing the look of shock on my face, my mother immediately retracted the claim, insisting that she was only joking. Knowing the power of the pendulum, I, of course, could not resist asking it for the truth. The pendulum spun clockwise, indicating that my mother had indeed attempted to confess the truth before she died.
One image that had repeatedly popped into my mind recently was of a bird with a bright red head, a yellow breast, and black wings. I had first seen the bird forty years ago. I was in college at the time on a day trip with my new girlfriend. She turned out to be a sociopath, a pathological liar who did everything in her power to traumatize my son--and me in the process. (I admit to a certain amount of naivete while in college.) That day, after reaching the other side of the hill on a crumbling, narrow road with a memorable stretch of tortuous switchbacks, I stopped the car under a huge tree. Tired, I stepped out of the car for some fresh air and noticed a stunning red-headed bird in the tree above us. I quietly urged my girlfriend to get out of the car. She saw the bird and smiled but demanded that I turn the car around and take her home. Years after I broke up with her, I became an avid birdwatcher and discovered the bird's name: Western Tanager. I have since discovered that the male Western Tanager will often distract potential predators by remaining on a branch just out of reach.
Because the sighting of that particular Western Tanager kept recurring in my mind, I asked my pendulum if I should head back to the area of the sighting. After forty years, I had no idea where it was, so I tried google.maps and eventually discovered that Yokohl Valley Drive in the foothills south of the Kaweah River contains a stretch of serpentine switchbacks. (See the squiggly white line in the lower right-hand corner of the map above.) Coincidentally, one route from Fresno to the Yokohl Valley is 245 to 198, the same 245 on which I had recently searched unsuccessfully for a connection with Junction 21. (See previous post.)
As I drove through Yokohl Valley the following Sunday, I felt a presence, somehow sure that Native Americans had once occupied the valley. I ended up stopping under a huge tree on the other side of the hill, not sure if it was where I had parked four decades before. I didn't sight any birds that day. Almost as disappointed as I had been forty years before, I headed home without understanding why my soul had desired to return to that spot.
I went online and found a satellite image of a large Native American village site in Yokohl Valley. I have realized from bitter experience that in the age of cellphones, trespassing is nearly impossible; neighbors will often drive by your parked car and call the land owner, who will attempt to catch you in the act of committing a misdemeanor, so if you trespass nowadays you have at most only a few minutes to explore an area.
I remained disappointed until I performed my ritual the following day. During a deep dive into my subconscious, I discovered that the original trip forty years ago wove through both the past and my future. My pendulum confirmed that many years ago--thousands of years perhaps--I was a budding shaman at a village in the Yokohl Valley. A psychic friend once told me that I have experienced ten lifetimes within a spiritual tradition. My pendulum verified that my experience in Yokohl Valley was the first of the ten. Way back then in the distant past, I worked mainly with the equal-armed cross and only in later lifetimes began ritually employing the pentagram and unicursal hexagram.
In other words, on the original trip on the long and winding road, I ended up sighting a stunning bird that would later inspire me to get into birdwatching, a hobby that has led me in this lifetime on ancient trails to Native American village sites all over the mountains.
"The Long and Winding Road," by the Beatles, by the way, was coincidentally one of my favorite songs when I was in college. The long and winding road in Yohohl Valley that I drove forty years ago and recently turned out to be a synchronistic journey containing profound meaning for me.
In college, I was an agnostic, believing that life amounted to an inscrutable series of events that a self-centered sociopath could quickly make unbearable. I learned a valuable lesson from my ex-girlfriend, however. I became keenly aware of the sociopathic tendencies of people clawing for success in a society that conditions us to fight for the American Dream--which until recently has included the institution of slavery and the widespread practice of genocide as acceptable means of achieving that "dream."
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