All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Words and Music By Jim Robbins
I can see a golden crown on your head.
I can see a golden, equal-armed cross in your heart,
So why even try to hide them?
I know they will always be there.
But we have both been hurt a few times before.
It’s so hard now to trust anyone else.
But you, you, you can trust me. You can trust me. (X2)
I can see golden cups and plates
On a brilliant white tablecloth.
They are there now for you and me.
Now is the time to share.
But we have both been hurt a few times before.
It’s so hard now to trust anyone else.
But you, you, you can trust me. You can trust me. (X3)
Part Five
Simon hoped that Princess Ariadne could hear him, so he told her about the queen’s evil spell. Simon assured the Princess that he would never leave her and that he would do everything in his power to break the spell. Over the years, before their relationship truly blossomed into love, both Simon and the Princess had experienced relationships that didn’t work out, but they had always returned to each other. Simon also told the Princess that he believed that the golden symbols represent the harmony, abundance, and magnificence of her spirit. Eventually Simon realized that the golden symbols reveal qualities within each of us that the queen could never destroy, no matter how powerful the spell.
While I sat next to Katie’s bed, I grew more and more worn out. The more exhausted I became, the harder it was to imagine the golden symbols in Katie's aura. I was having trouble sleeping, and I had great difficulty finding a sustainable diet. The more worn out I became, the more I was plagued by the feeling that death is an unpardonable evil, the physical world an abomination.
For instance, I have often dwelt in the tranquility of the World Soul in the San Joaquin River Gorge, a public park that powerful interests recently tried to bury under water with a dam at Temperance Flat. Once, while lounging on a pounding stone in the river bottom and pondering this society's lack of stewardship, I understood why the looming destruction of the planet is essentially a spiritual problem.
The concept of the “anima mundi,” is, unfortunately, unfamiliar to many. Translated as “world soul,” the anima mundi has been described as an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet. According to Plato, “This world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence ... a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related."
The experience of the World Soul often begins as a feeling of peace that grows more profound as you immerse yourself in the frequencies of nature. The longer you are in nature, in other words, the more you naturally tune your brainwaves to the frequency of the Earth. The Schumann Resonance (known as the "heart beat" of Mother Earth) is on the average 7.83 Hertz (2). Brain wave frequencies tend to merge into one another, but four identified types of human brain waves occur roughly at the following vibrations per second (HZ):
Synchronized electrical pulses from neurons communicating with each other produce brainwaves. Beta rhythm (also known as beta waves) refers to the frequency range of human brain activity between 13 and 38 HZ and represents an intense state of alertness, concentration, logical thinking, and memory. Since beta mode is the required mental state of the workplace, it is generally valued as the most productive state of modern human consciousness in terms of survival and success. Other brain wave rhythms, alpha, theta, and delta, associated with imagination, spiritual connection, and intuition, are accessed through deep relaxation, meditation, daydreaming and immersion in the natural world.
Previously dismissed as 'spare brain noise,' researchers have also examined a fifth brainwave that is highly active in states of universal love, altruism, and higher-level functioning. Gamma brainwaves (38 to 42 HZ) are the fastest of brain waves, occurring at a high frequency, and they relate to simultaneous processing of information from different brain areas. In order to access these most subtle of brainwave frequencies, the mind needs to be quiet. The presence of Gamma is associated with expanded consciousness and spiritual emergence. Gamma, however, is above the frequency of neuronal firing, so how it is generated currently remains a mystery.
An individual during meditation can intentionally move beyond the beta rhythms of the surface mind to alpha, theta, delta and gamma brain wave frequencies. Alpha brain waves (generally considered 9 to 12 cycles per second), produced when a person is resting, meditating, or reflecting, indicate a state of relaxed alertness, good for stimulating imagination and inspiring powerful ideas. Theta brain waves (4 to 8 cycles per second), usually associated with the dream state, are produced also when a person is daydreaming, experiencing a flow of ideas, or performing a repetitive task. Theta brain waves are also associated with profound inner peace, mystical knowledge, symbolic visions, transformation of unconsciously held limiting beliefs, physical and emotional healing, inner wisdom, and psychic abilities. Delta brain waves (0.5 to 3 cycles per second), are produced usually during dreamless sleep, and during meditation can also include deep access to subconscious material and a sense of oneness and pure being.
The “heart beat" of Mother Earth, at 7.83 HZ, is on the border between Theta and Alpha brain waves. In other words, The Earth Soul, Mother Nature herself, as well as meditation, can induce a brain wave frequency where one experiences tranquility, intuition, visions, and wise inner voices. I have found this to be the case over and over in meditation and my excursions into nature. In fact, with regular meditation and experiences in the natural world, I have discovered that the subtle, psychic senses can open in a way that a mind stuck in surface consciousness and dominated by the media would find extremely difficult to believe.
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