Wednesday, November 23, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

Knight of Swords

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Words and Music By Jim Robbins

How can you fight the unseen? How can you stop an invisible foe?
I just don't know how to fight this, what to do, how to solve this. I just don't know.
If I can't use my fists, if I can't use a weapon,
How can I stop this assault? How can I end this curse?
How can I end this horror?
Perhaps I can use my heart. Perhaps I can use my mind
to imagine how it should be.
I could imagine it so intensely that I would break the curse
If I can see her as happy and whole, perhaps she'll return to the way she was:
So vibrant, spreading love and light wherever she goes.
Maybe my heart and mind are my only tools to stop this,
but I don't know if they are strong enough. I just don't know.
My heart and mind must always be healing this horrible affliction.
Perhaps I can use my heart. Perhaps I can use my mind
to imagine how it should be so intensely that I will break the curse.


Part Three

   Back in the castle, Simon discovered the terrible effects of the curse. When he sneaked into Ariadne’s room, he found the golden symbols, but he could not find the princess. He searched the castle, becoming more and more frantic, but he could not find her anywhere. From her high tower, the queen could sense Simon’s agitation, and she ordered the castle guards to capture him and take him to her room.

   The queen told Simon that she had cast a spell that had turned the princess into the golden symbols that he had discovered in her room. Could he love the princess now? the queen wondered, screeching with laughter. Then the queen, who had the ability to vanish at will, suddenly disappeared. The guards let Simon go, and he rushed back to Ariadne’s room, grieving about the curse and racking his brain to figure out a way to break the spell.

   In my musical, the hero, after many failed attempts to thwart the witch, envisions the young woman as happy and whole in her physical body once again—he finally does so with such great emotion that he breaks the witch’s spell. Every time I stayed with Katie in the hospital room I prayed and did the same kind of intense visualization because I believe that sending out positive thoughts into the Universal Mind is beneficial on a subtle spiritual level.

icu update

“Just get through moment” slowly turning
into “just appreciate every moment.” In the
past, have tried to cultivate that attitude but
now embrace it with a much greater sense of
compassion for all that people suffer. The
human spirit is magnificent. It is a great

   Before Katie’s stroke, I had never before witnessed the power of prayer and positive thinking on a large scale. Every day, after I stepped into her hospital room, I visualized her as happy and healthy, and I prayed to the Archangel Raphael, “Healer of God,” to guide the doctors and nurses and to make her well again. Every time Katie seemed in danger, I envisioned Raphael enveloping her in the brilliant white light of positive, healing energy. Her mother was there praying for her as well. Every day, spiritual people all over the country were praying for her and sending her positive energy and visualizing her as healthy and whole. Even though in the first few weeks complications threatened her life daily, Katie bounced back every time. She eventually made a miraculous recovery, with only her scar, some fatigue and a little numbness in her left foot reminding her that she had recently experienced a stroke.

icu update

Nurses say that they have never seen anyone
pee so much! Finally found the right balance
of meds and fluids though. Making progress
on this roller coaster. Swelling down. Can
finally move left arm a little bit. Nurse says
it’s all about small victories.

   Skeptics could easily conclude that science, technology, and sheer medical know-how saved her life. I understand that point of view because I only believed in “facts” and in what can be "proven" before I experienced my spiritual emergence over a decade and a half ago. I am of the opinion now that brilliant doctors and strong spiritual support were both responsible for her miraculous recovery. I believe spiritual support is equally as important because we are all connected through the collective unconscious.

icu update

Recovery will take a long time, they say.
She keeps poking me in the belly, calling me
Pillsbury Doughboy, while insisting that I am
not fat. My ex wife’s phone has a record of
where she’s been. I told my ex better not
commit a crime or become a terrorist. Then
Katie joked that the only kind of terrorist
Mom could become would be a grammar nazi.

   Like Carl Jung, I believe that humanity as a whole has a collective consciousness that each individual can tap into. That is one reason why the gods and spiritual symbols in different cultures throughout history are so similar. Based on my experiences in nature, I believe that humanity and nature together form a web of collective consciousness as well. Not only do people have a spiritual connection with plants and animals, but we also have a connection with subtle nature spirits and over souls. And a Universal Consciousness exists throughout the cosmos that contains all webs of consciousness, individual and collective. Individual human consciousness, for good or ill, can cause vibrations in the webs of consciousness in other individuals and in the Universal Consciousness in varying degrees. During Katie’s ordeal, I experienced the subtle spiritual vibrations of many people praying to heal her. I cannot prove it, of course, but I felt it happening because during the past decade and a half I have become more and more sensitive to those types of vibrations from other people after undergoing a long process of mental purification.

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    All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins. Two of Pentacles: ...