All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
North Fork of the Kings River
I left all the bridges and came to your border
where rivers root within you
and flowers unfurl even in your shadow
and you find eyes opening at sunrise
and your touch awakens flowers
on a tree within me
for in another life you were blind
and you saw with your fingers
until your third eye opened
and now when you hold your hands over me
I am cleansed of all shadows
but here comes the shadow
looking for all it can swallow
while you remain so kind
and when you touch the flower
between my eyes a dove on fire
flies through me and when
you touch my feet you hear the march
of a shadow over sand
and you find eyes opening at sunrise
and your touch awakens flowers
on a tree within me
for in another life you were blind
and you saw with your fingers
until your third eye opened
and now when you hold your hands over me
all of my shadows fly away
and golden light flows into me
and my heart no longer attracts blackness
and now when you hold your hands over me
the heavenly force flows through me
and I am whole again
but here comes the shadow
looking for all it can swallow
yet you remain so kind.
Part 16
Last spring, as I drove around Pine Flat Reservoir, I noticed what appeared to be a tribe of shooting stars on an embankment, so I pulled into a grassy turnout and strolled down the narrow road, risking my life as pickup trucks now and then blasted by me a few feet away.
I found the shooting stars on a steep slope peeking out from ferns and grass and fallen branches above golden fiddleneck that was bobbing above baby blue eyes. Then I noticed an albino blue dick dancing along with popcorn flowers. As I continued to gaze at the hillside, I inhaled the pure breath of the trees and flowers, and suddenly I saw in the shade the first Chinese purple houses, blooming several weeks earlier than usual.
Chinese Purple House
As I immersed myself in this brilliant tapestry, I felt the unified consciousness of the World Soul. For a moment, I lost myself in the Source of all Creation. Like people, these stunning beings in their ecosystem are multidimensional, but they are not fragmented in consciousness like people. They do not classify others as inferior or superior, as expendable or useful, based on physical or emotional or mental or spiritual qualities.
Stunning flowers exist in the subtle energy body of human beings known as the aura. I have envisioned them during meditation. After cleansing each chakra within my aura, I recognized the divinity of all people and all life. Light workers like my friend Amber can cleanse and heal the wounds within the aura and make our subtle energy fields whole and beautiful again.
We can ignore the splendor of these living tapestries as we zoom by in our vehicles or disassociate with our devices even though only a few moments with these flowers can open our spirits to the divinity of the natural world.
The current world turns the psyche into a cesspool of foul thought-forms, but purification leads to revelation, and as you gradually cleanse yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, your heart becomes as light as a feather, and your soul takes over your waking consciousness. That which does not serve you falls away. You attain heights that formerly you might not have imagined.
As I continued along Trimmer Springs Road, I encountered a father handing a fishing pole to each of his young sons, which took me back fifty years to the first time my brother and I fished along the Kings River with our father. Very little in the Kings River watershed has changed since then, except that many flowers are blooming weeks earlier than usual, which could be another sign of climate disruption.
Now, fifty years later, I am keenly aware of the threats to organized human existence. I have seen how the rivers and wetlands have died in the valley due to cultivation and and urbanization, how marine life is dying, how the forests at higher elevations are turning into deserts of dirt and ash and rock through conflagrations worse than we have ever seen before.
Even though I know how perilous the world has become due to climate disruption and the potential for nuclear war, I still felt one with the World Soul while I experienced one brilliant array of flowers after another. I realized how fragile we all are and how hard it is to fight the corporate totalitarianism that charades nowadays as democracy in our country.
The elites control politicians on both sides of the aisle with dark money; hence, no truly meaningful policies to protect the planet are adopted because both parties are instead protecting the financial interests of the super-rich. The Democratic Party has morphed into a right-wing political party while the Republicans hang out on the idiot circus fringe, sowing chaos, causing divisiveness, blocking policies that might benefit the people or protect the environment. They are effectively distracting us as the super-rich elites steal the future of humanity: enjoy the bleep-show.
During a discussion about Trump just before the 2016 election, I stated that if elected, Trump would be impeached in six months and soon after would declare martial law. Everyone else at the table agreed that it "wouldn't be that bad." Trump was, of course, eventually impeached twice and his advisors at the end of his presidency emboldened him to declare martial law. Domestic terrorists at the January 6th riot were waiting for Trump to call on their militias or "quick reaction forces" before they brought in the guns. Trump waited for Pence to call the 2020 election results into question. Unfortunately for Trump and the terrorists, Pence followed the law.
Before the Civil War, an oligarchy of about 1,000 plantation owners ruled the South, mainly through militias, the police, and slave patrols, armed forces that beat, tortured, and murdered people who protested against the tyranny. 600,000 people died during the Civil War in an effort to end that oligarchy. The entire country is now ruled by a super-wealthy oligarchy. A handful of people own over half the wealth in this country, and they control our politicians through dark money. Powerful elites in this country perpetuated genocide and slavery for centuries. Does anyone really believe that the elites would hesitate to establish a police state to protect their interests? Enjoy the bleep-show.
The flowers I have experienced and the people I have known are priceless. We are all multidimensional. We are all reflections of the divine. I can’t think of an adequate dollar amount to compensate for the people and ecosystems we have lost and continue to lose due to the global system of greed, the global rule of the oligarchy--or whatever you want to call it. Humanity and numerous species will remain in serious danger if we don't put an end to the greed and the lies. Only in spiritual truth can we see the splendor of nature and the splendor within all people. We must end the lies of this darkly corrupt system if we are to leave an inhabitable planet and a sustainable future for all of humanity.
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