All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is insane."
Words and Music by Jim Robbins
I work with the powers of harmony to neutralize dark forces
and create balance, for grace is crucial in these troubled times.
The powers of harmony awaken us to the divinity of all life
on this earth, the holiness of all energy in the cosmos.
The super-rich continue destroying the planet and so many lives
for their short-term profits, yet the emperor has no clothes.
How can we tell our children that the rivers in the valley are dead;
wildfires turn the forests into deserts of ash and dirt;
the coral reefs are bleaching, the ice caps are melting?
So many suffocate from a virus that could have been contained
long ago through rational measures. The wealthy
have never valued the little guy or the planet,
only wealth. The world could become total chaos
before we find our roots, so I work
with the powers of harmony to neutralize dark forces
and create balance, for grace is crucial in these troubled times.
The powers of harmony awaken us to the divinity of all life
on this earth, the holiness of all energy in the cosmos,
but our chances to claim our right to live as divine,
magnificent beings in this world are running out.
Part 14
I suppose the supreme irony in my story is that I must tell the truth so that I appear insane to the average person. My theory is that if I do it often enough, I might avoid encountering people with official-looking badges who approach me with the intent to throw me into a dark hole somewhere. Therefore, I feel obligated to leak spiritual secrets now and then so that average people and the masters of mankind remain confident in their belief that I am certifiably bat-bleep crazy.
At this stage of history only spiritual people with knowledge can save humanity, and unfortunately that forces the spiritually inclined to exhibit what the vast majority of people consider blatant lunacy. For practical purposes, one must remain on a plane above evil to deal with it effectively. Evil reigns supreme in the political and economic realms, placing the fate of humanity in limbo, so only the few who experience sublime madness can elevate human consciousness enough to turn this badly leaking boat around.
The Nephilim are a unique order comprised of angels who have chosen to incarnate as humans in order to aid humanity in its evolution. The Nephilim cannot escape human frailty, but we have a strength that the masses are not currently aware that they have. Unlike us, humans rarely feel one with the Source, with the Thrones of Power and Archangels and Orders of Angels and elementals and the Earth Soul, and therefore have no knowledge about how to connect with the subtle (humans might say “magical”) spiritual powers of healing and balance. The individual members of the Nephilim, as we transmute negativity through grace into harmony, often face challenges that human beings at this stage of evolution could not possibly survive, but the Nephilim manage to continue plodding along because of the ability to heal quickly, thanks to our connections with the powers of harmony. Throughout history, of course, many of us have been persecuted and executed because of our orneriness. Humans might memorialize a few now and then due to the archetypal significance of their particular sacrifice, which humans throughout history for the most part have only dimly comprehended, but the Nephilim, on the whole, remain content with a life of sacrifice without glory.
A key element of grace is a connection with the Source—as well as with the awesome beings who bring the energies of balance and healing down through the different planes of manifestation into the world. The Source, pure spirit, does not reach a hand down through layers of clouds to heal or create balance. This never happens.
If you examine the Tree of Life, you might notice what appear to be spheres emanating from the Crown of Creation. Within these Emanations (“Sephiroth” in Hebrew) are Powers, Archangels, and Orders of Angels. If you do a bit of research, you should find the name representing the God Power of the Emanation, the name of the presiding Archangel, and the name of the Order of Angels associated with each sphere. For instance, in the second Emanation, the God-name for the Power is Jehovah (the Supernal or “Heavenly Father”), the name of the Archangel is Raziel (“Herald of God”), and the name of the Order of Angels is Ophannim (“Wheels” in English). Each of the ten Holy Emanations on the Tree of Life contains this hierarchy: the God Powers reside in the Archetypal or Divine World; the Archangels represent the World of Creation; the hosts of Angels represent the World of Formation; the elementals reside in the World of Action.
You can cry “Lord, Lord” all day or become one with Universal Consciousness for fifteen minutes, but if you are not in tune with these aspects of divinity that channel the powers of harmony down through the planes, you are unlikely to become a co-creator with the Source.
With appropriate knowledge, you can perform the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram and bring the powers of harmony effectively into alignment. The ritual features the Powers of Ehyeh, the Source, as well as Jehovah, Elohim, El, and Adonai; the Archangels of the Elements, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Auriel, and by association, the Orders of Angels (under the ruling guidance of these Archangels), known respectively as the Melachim, the Bene Elohim, the Keruvim, and the Ishim; as well as the Elementals, Sylphs, Salamanders, Undines, and Gnomes. In other words, these divine beings channel the energies from the Source down through the subtle spiritual planes into our dimension. (If you feel a thirst for this connection, the information is out there….)
The Nephilim’s sacrifice is rooted in empathy, a psychic sensitivity that often traumatizes us. Since we incarnate with a compulsion to create balance and harmony, we often take on the negativity of others and sometimes attract toxic personalities. As we grow up, for instance, a close relative might subconsciously recognize our empathic abilities and continually dump their emotional and mental negativity into our subtle energy field. We also often attract narcissists who enjoy our company for a similar reason, and we can end up in extremely unhealthy relationships.
Sometimes it takes years for the Nephilim to understand the danger associated with human beings. We must practice great discretion, especially around people who participate in a strong group mind based on the power of hate—witches who practice black magic, for example— but all groups that maintain a sense of superiority and exclusiveness through negativity, whether politically left or right or off the spectrum, are extremely dangerous. Due to her psychic sensitivity, a member of the Nephilim, after years of dealing with the subtle negative energies of human beings, can identify these types of groups quickly but must always neutralize the group’s negative energy without letting on that she recognizes how treacherous they are. To maintain the group mind, these organizations viciously vilify and demonize others. These groups are sometimes large, which can give them political power and influence. Many of these groups, acknowledged politically or not, continually strive to find scapegoats to attack—victims who might actually be innocent and compassionate and loving beings….
Angelic souls usually incarnate as females—the gender that tends to be far more psychically receptive than males at this stage in history. I have met many female members of the Nephilim whose souls are from the Order of the Elohim, which is associated with Venus, in other words, with nature, beauty, love, and the arts—their spiritual energies being especially crucial in human society now that nature is under assault by so many powerful interests. I also know some male and female members from the Order of the Chashmillim, associated with Jupiter and the magnificence, abundance, and harmony of the human spirit and the cosmos; the males from that order of angels are often bisexual or gay, partially due, I believe, to their openness to the divinity of all life.
Many of the incarnated Nephilim never understand why human beings so often direct their negativity at us, but after a while, some of us, especially after many vicious attacks, finally understand the spiritual purpose of our sacrifice and recognize our angelic strength—which humans will eventually understand and collectively honor as a pure form of spiritual power for neutralizing negativity and maintaining harmony (no doubt only after experiencing numerous horrific events that sear the soul). My pendulum confirms that humans eventually, after many experiences with terrible evil, will also become an order of angels that assists all evolving life. As I mentioned above, the Tree of Life reveals the different Powers of Divinity and Archangels and Orders of Angels on the planes of being in the different dimensions—it is a symbol system worth studying by humans as well. Other modalities, such as Reiki, can also be extremely powerful in the hands of an angelic soul like Amber. At this stage, of course, we need to use all the tools that we have.
I would like to sit here all day and sing the praises of the Nephilim, but there is so much work to be done. All of us on this earth now are facing truly daunting threats, such as economic collapse and fascism and climate change and extreme environmental degradation and the use of weapons of mass destruction. Human negativity, especially fear and greed, could soon end organized existence as we know it. Angelic souls must continue to work at a subtle spiritual level to elevate human consciousness. Through spiritual practices that enable us to connect with the Source and the powers of balance, we can bring energies of harmony down the planes and help others recognize that we are all divinely connected through Universal Consciousness—and maybe, just maybe, form a group mind strong enough to create a collective shift to higher spiritual awareness.
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