All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
A year ago, I lay ensconced
in stale clothes, unwashed plates, week-old
newspaper, dinnerless and exhausted.
Another time opened the dark bedroom door:
An evening with a child digging tunnels
entered, so clearly,
and riddled every level of my senses.
I began to bless
the detritus of each blank moment
even as someone fled and a searchlight
slid across the walls.
My mind would not disbelieve or dim
and even the bed
lost the misery that had clung to it.
behind mine suddenly surfaced,
like memory or the soul
or the person you are becoming.
I write now in order to find you--
some fragment of you
that wishes me well. Some kind of time,
a child, like wind, opening a door.
Porchlight edges through the curtains.
The melanges of the year mingle,
and the menages of memory mingle.
One note of your voice overlaps
silence or speech when I least expect it.
Your voice must change as you move
from one time to another,
or perhaps its range
ends here, in the certain
path that shines across this table.
These moments resemble other times when I experienced super-consciousness, the only difference being that I was suddenly reliving a memory more real than my room, my actual surroundings. I was startled, especially because I was an agnostic who vacillated toward atheism now and then, and I sensed that I was experiencing Universal Consciousness. In other words, God seemed to be randomly checking out one of my memories, and I was reliving a few moments as if they were super-real, more real than the past or the present, as if all time exists at once and the divine aspect of the self, connected with the Source, can experience any moment in absolute clarity and bliss.
I suspected after I experienced the holographic memory that every moment, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can be relived in joyful super-consciousness. Trying to rekindle memory with that kind of intensity is easier said than done, however. The experience has since placed other memories in stark contrast: I have become keenly aware of the fragmented, shifting nature of memory and the self. I have tended to dwell on what I have lost as relationships change and memories seemingly vanish, but I have always believed since then that despite inevitable feelings of discontinuity and loss, there remains a glory from moment to moment that the mind can somehow access, given the right conditions. I have never figured out what those conditions are, however.
I have experienced premonitions and heard voices as a child that accurately predicted events decades in the future, which suggests that predetermination or a type of “programming” exists within the Divine Plan. However, I believe now that human beings can become cocreators with the Source. We can work with Shining Ones such as Archangels to change the programming of the hologram as long as we are purified and dedicated and working to create greater harmony and balance in the world, by, for example, neutralizing dark forces--for the Archangels, who each rule an order of Angels, are intermediaries between God and creation. The change in programming must come down from the dimension of pure, Universal Spirit to the the physical dimension, the plane of action. As great powers of harmony capable of linking the dimensions, the Archangels can bring the changes down through the planes.
All high-frequency spiritual work transmutes the negative into the positive to some degree, but we have the opportunity to set the intention on a larger scale to mitigate the horrific or abhorrent aspects of our current reality. This benefit of working with the Shining Ones is a closely held secret of the mystery schools, but now in this time of terrible crises that are threatening the entire planet, this knowledge needs to become more widely known--we can claim that power now.
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